Monday, December 19, 2011

Public Service Announcement

This political cartoon shows that drunk driving is anything but funny. When you drive drunk, not only do you put yourself at risk, but others as well.

Public Service Announcement

Monday, December 5, 2011

Student Summits

       What did you enjoy the most from this project?

What I liked most about the project was that it was very professional. Nobody really got off topic on the forums, and each person contributed, even if just a little. 

       What were your biggest challenges & obstacles?
Just one thing, the communication, was a little weak. We only really communicated through one forum post the entire time, and that was it. 
       Any changes you’d like to see made to make this stronger, better, or meaningful for the next class?
I think it would be nice to have more time to work. Also, I felt like the project was too open ended and feared that what I was doing wasn't what was expected, because there weren't any clear directions set.

What will you say?
During the Student Summit for the FlatClassroomProject, I will probably stick to the basics my slide shows.

Web 2.0 has a lot to do with sharing and communication, unlike in Web 1.0 where we were just figuring out how we can use computers and what for. We use Web 2.0 to spread news, which can then be shared through social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We also use Web 2.0 to keep pages for later, by using [social] bookmarking, If we feel like telling an audience of people of this certain thing, then we can blog about it, probably using a popular blogging website such as Blogger, Wordpress or Tumblr. Then once this becomes history, we can put it in a Wiki for anyone to view that might be interested in the subject.